Credit risk: what you have to know to protect your business by unpaid invoices

Reading time: 10 minutes

Throughout this blog, we have provided many insights into the key risks that business owners face on a daily basis, such as fires in industrial warehouses, pollution of the environment around production sites, catastrophic events, large product defect claims, workplace accidents and illnesses, food contamination and personal financial liability of directors. In addition to these serious threats, there is the risk that our customers will not pay their invoices, exposing … Read more

Defective product: what managers and business owners have to know to avoid International legal disputes with customers and suppliers

Reading time: 9 minutes

Product liability insurance is absolutely essential when we sell a product abroad or when we import dangerous items into our country: in the event of a manufacturing defect, it protects the company’s turnover from expensive claims. In addition to damage to property and persons, we risk incurring expensive recall costs, especially when we have exported our product to countries where regulations to protect the health and safety of consumers may … Read more

Cyber risk: the threat is inside our company

Reading time: 8 minutes

Computer frauds, viruses, data and identity theft, misuse of credit cards, cyber attacks on our computers: these are some of the major threats that affect businesses all over the world on a daily basis, such as hospitals, multi-utilities, law and auditing firms. Most of these intrusions are coming from within the company and could even be caused by unfaithful employees. Preventive and control measures, IT experts, cyber insurance: are the … Read more

Manager’s liability: 7 cases that really happened

Reading time: 6 minutes

Owners of companies and country manager are by law responsible, with their own holding, for damages caused to third parties, or to the company they represent, for failure to follow regulations and standards. Their wrong decisions, as described by the 7 cases here below, may be legally expose directors and officers in front shareholders, business partners, customers and employees. Being without proper insurance cover may expose a manager to pay … Read more

Poland and industrial supply chain: which risks for your business?

Reading time: 6 minutes

According to preliminary estimates released by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), GDP grew 2.8% in the full year 2016. The result was below 2015’s wider 3.9% expansion. Private consumption remained robust, growing 3.6%, above 2015’s 3.2% rise. The outlook for companies and firms established in this Country remains positive for the future. However, some specific supply risks should be seriously taken in carefull consideration. One of the advatages … Read more

Is your company ready for the surprises of the bad season? Prevention really is indispensable before is too late

Reading time: 8 minutes

Last updated November 2024 The recent devastating floods that hit the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain during this last spring as hot as an endless summer should not make us forget that winter can also hold nasty weather surprises for businesses. Owners and managers of production sites, warehouses, shopping centres and logistics centres are warned: the sudden arrival of a storm, followed by a severe frost or an exceptional snowfall, … Read more