È ben difficile capire il mondo senza uscire di casa propria.

It is very difficult to understand the world without leaving home.


Manager’s liability: 7 cases that really happened

Reading time: 6 minutes

Owners of companies and country manager are by law responsible, with their own holding, for damages caused to third parties, or to the company they represent, for failure to follow regulations and standards. Their wrong decisions, as described by the 7 cases here below, may be legally expose directors and officers in front shareholders, business partners, customers and employees. Being without proper insurance cover may expose a manager to pay … Read more

How to reduce your private medical insurance premium in 6 steps

Reading time: 7 minutes

The age increase and consequently the rise of chronic conditions for clients, new medical technologies and demographic trends are the main reasons why private medical insurance premiums sensibly increased in recent years.  Let’s explore some practical solutions to keep these costs under control. 4 reasons why private medical insurance premiums are increasing 1. More claims to pay than premiums received. Insurance companies are for-profit organisations. In order to keep their books balanced, insurers … Read more

Poland and industrial supply chain: which risks for your business?

Reading time: 6 minutes

According to preliminary estimates released by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), GDP grew 2.8% in the full year 2016. The result was below 2015’s wider 3.9% expansion. Private consumption remained robust, growing 3.6%, above 2015’s 3.2% rise. The outlook for companies and firms established in this Country remains positive for the future. However, some specific supply risks should be seriously taken in carefull consideration. One of the advatages … Read more

Is your company ready for the surprises of the bad season? Prevention really is indispensable before is too late

Reading time: 8 minutes

Last updated November 2024 The recent devastating floods that hit the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain during this last spring as hot as an endless summer should not make us forget that winter can also hold nasty weather surprises for businesses. Owners and managers of production sites, warehouses, shopping centres and logistics centres are warned: the sudden arrival of a storm, followed by a severe frost or an exceptional snowfall, … Read more

International medical coverage: are we sure to be well covered?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Here we are on trip: light hand luggage, fly tickets in our pocket. Are we sure anything is missing? On business trip or on holiday, having a trusted medical coverage makes the real difference! Question: «I plan to go skiing this winter holidays: does my health insurance cover me against accidents?» Answer: Absolutely not. The “Accident” insurance is a completely different type of coverage from “Deseas” insurance. These two events are … Read more

5 employees benefits for HR retention

Reading time: 5 minutes

Don’t let the competition poach your best employees! Attracting the best people, keeping them tight is a top priority for companies. That’s why manufacturing and consulting firms are use to offer “employees benefits” to their workers: retain the internal resources and improve their treatment in the workplace. Not so long ago, these bonuses were mainly offered to production managers and technicians. Now, lawyers, accountants, on demand managers, secretaries and assistants … Read more